Introduction to Intelligent Virtual Agents with IBM Watson Assistant

Course Code: W7S151G

Duration: 3 Hours

Price: SGD 500.00


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Course Description

This course introduces the new version of Watson Assistant that focuses on actions that are built with steps. An understandable sense of confusion exists about terms such as chatbot, ChatGPT, and intelligent virtual agents made by using IBM Watson Assistant.

Through instructor-led presentations, you learn about the underlying artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language understanding available to the nontechnical SME. All the SME needs to know is the scope of your company and what makes a successful customer transaction.


  • Distinguish between chatbots, ChatGPT, intelligent virtual Agents
  • Discover some of the unique and powerful ways that they are currently being used
  • Explain the robust capabilities of the current Watson Assistant that set it apart
  • Summarize the basics of planning and building an intelligent virtual agent




