Contract Management and Negotiations Strategy Masterclass

Course Code: PM-15

Duration: 2 Days

Price: Contact For Pricing


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Course Description

With the majority of an organisation’s spend being under contracts with suppliers, service providers, vendors, and consultants, contract management is one of the core activities of a modern organisation.

But contracts do not manage themselves. People choose what aspects are managed given their skill and time constraints. We under-invest in contract management and we often just administrate contracts, rather than design and drive the strategies that yield high-performance outcomes.

This workshop is designed to help you transcend the traditional, more administrative role that has been the nature of contract management here. This course is ideal for those ready to drive contract management to new levels at your organisation. You recognise your organisation’s need to think strategically, think long-term, and think results.

This 2-day workshop provides the concepts and tools used by leading organisations throughout the globe. Think of it as a 2-day shopping trip for best practice – but only what works in practice, consistently, across many organisations. You’ll be shown many examples, have many interactive exercises to try things out for yourself, and be in a supportive and interactive environment in which to soundboard for your current issues and challenges faced in contract management.

On successful completion of the course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from KnowledgeHut with Credits (1 credit per hour of training).


  • You will get a complete guide to Contract Management Best Practices
  • How to develop a robust tendering & contract management framework for the design & delivery of commercial objectives via contractual means
  • Learn the art of negotiation through expert practical instruction

You will also get:

  • 1 credit per hour of learning
  • Downloadable e-book
  • Participation certificate from KnowledgeHut on successfully completing the course


  • Project Managers, Procurement Managers, Contract officers, managers, and administrators ready to step up and lead in contract management
  • Group managers and team leaders who want to accelerate the contract management maturity and capability of those whom they manage
  • Procurement professionals responsible not just for buying wisely, but delivering results from the contracts put in place
  • Category managers in charge of multiple contracts and driving multiple lifecycles
  • Vendor and supplier relationship managers wanting to broaden perspectives and competencies
  • Leaders, advisors, and influencers wanting to challenge the status quo to get a much higher return on the spend with external parties



  • Portfolio, Program and Project Management Overview
  • Absorb the complexity of managing today’s contracts and providers
  • See modern techniques for strategically managing the range of contracts in your portfolio
  • Obtain tools and techniques to get real results and performance through strategic thinking
  • Benchmark your organisation against best practices, and chose the practices right for you
  • Be conversant in the key aspects of law that affects managing contracts
  • Avoid the Winner's Curse – 20% of contracts are cursed from the start
  • Kick off a contract management strategy
  • Examine the use of a Governance Charter – a best practice for contract management agreements
  • Have your personal contract management style profiled and benchmarked, and see how the styles can affect your team and relationships with providers