Advanced Developing on AWS

Course Code: aws-adv-dev

Duration: 3 Days

Price: Contact For Pricing


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Course Description

The Advanced Developing on AWS course uses the real-world scenario of taking a legacy, on-premises monolithic application and refactoring it into a serverless microservices architecture. This three-day advanced course covers advanced development topics such as architecting for a cloud-native environment; deconstructing on-premises, legacy applications and repackaging them into cloud-based, cloud-native architectures; and applying the tenets of the Twelve-Factor Application methodology.


  • Analyze a monolithic application architecture to determine logical or programmatic break points where the application can be broken up across different AWS services. 
  • Apply Twelve-Factor Application manifesto concepts and steps while migrating from a monolithic architecture. 
  • Recommend the appropriate AWS services to develop a microservices based cloud native application. 
  • Use the AWS API, CLI, and SDKs to monitor and manage AWS services.
  • Migrate a monolithic application to a microservices application using the 6 Rs of migration. 
  • Explain the SysOps and DevOps inter dependencies necessary to deploy a microservices application in AWS.


Experienced software developers who are already familiar with AWS services


  • In-depth knowledge of at least one high-level programming language.
  • Working knowledge of core AWS services and public cloud implementation. 
  • Completion of the Developing on AWS course, and then a minimum of 6 months of application of those concepts in a real world environment.


  • Module 1: Interfacing with AWS Services
  • Module 2: Deconstructing a monolithic architecture
  • Module 3: Migrating to the cloud
  • Module 4: Creating an infrastructure
  • Module 5: Declare and isolate dependencies
  • Module 6: Storing configuration in the cloud
  • Module 7: Establish a build, release, run model
  • Module 8: Creating the codebase
  • Module 9: Deploying an application
  • Module 10: Evolution of architecture
  • Module 11: Design patterns
  • Module 12: I/O explosion and preventing it
  • Module 13: Microservices