CSM® Certification Training

Course Code: Agile-CSM

Duration: 1 Day

Price: Contact For Pricing


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Course Description

Scrum, an Agile framework has been picking up momentum in creating innovation and improving productivity across organizations. A high-performing Scrum team always contributes to the success of an Agile project and the Scrum Master is the main person responsible for steering the project in the right direction. The Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) course boosts your confidence in implementing the Scrum framework effectively in organizations.


Today, most of the IT as well as non-IT industry majors are hiring candidates who are familiar with the Scrum framework. A Certified ScrumMaster® can upscale an organization in the following ways:  

  • Guide team members through the product development
  • Help the team deliver quality products
  • Participate in the team activities with ease and also learn how to own a task
  • Resolve the impediments and enhance the team’s collaboration
  • Act as a change agent and enable a culture in which teams can flourish
  • Become a servant leader for Scrum teams that are involved in developing high-end products



There is no set of eligibility requirements to attend this Scrum Master Certification course and it can be taken by freshers or professionals who want to:  

  • Further their career in project management. 
  • Deepen their understanding of Scrum. 


Our experienced CSTs deliver training in such a way that is suitable for both novice and experienced professionals. But, it is recommended that you have basic knowledge of using Scrum in a real-world context, in order to get the most from the training. You can do this by following the 1-day Agile and Scrum foundation training by KnowledgeHut. 


1. Learn Fundamentals

Understand the foundation of Agile and Scrum concepts and help Scrum teams in using Scrum effectively.

2. Terminologies and Concepts

Acquire knowledge of Scrum terminologies, various concepts, and the complete Scrum process.

3. Scrum Roles

Understand various roles involved in Scrum and the scope of the Scrum Master role in Scrum.

4. Core Competencies

Learn key Scrum Master core competencies and protect the team from internal and external distractions.

5. Scrum Ceremonies

Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Definition of Done.

6. Facilitate Teams

Facilitate the Development Team, Product Owner, and the organization while responding to change.

7. Improve Transparency

Inspect and adapt and increase transparency in each of the Scrum events and make the team’s work visible.

8. Acts as a Servant Leader

Learn to help the team members work collaboratively and follow every Scrum process involved in it.