Foundation of IBM DevOps V2

Course Code: C1000 - 040

Duration: 3 Days

Price: Contact For Pricing


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Course Description

An IBM Certified Solution Advisor - DevOps V2 is a person who can clearly explain the benefits and underlying concepts of DevOps, and has practical experience of implementing DevOps processes and solutions for clients. They can advise stakeholders on how to adopt DevOps, how to overcome barriers, and how to realize the business benefits of DevOps. They can also demonstrate how the leading industry, Open and IBM solution offerings can help customers realize these benefits.


Key areas of competency include: 

  • Clearly articulate the benefits of DevOps for driving business agility and continuous innovation.
  • Advise stakeholders on how to remove barriers to the adoption of DevOps, and implement organizational change and continual process improvement.
  • Have a deep working experience of Continuous delivery (integration, delivery, collaboration, innovation) practices.
  • Experience of application development lifecycle, operational methods, SCM, version control and common tooling for cloud-ready and cloud-native application development.
  • Working knowledge of development, test automation and virtualization, deployment, and operational best practices.
  • Understand the IBM DevOps reference architecture patterns, and can apply them to DevOps solutions.
  • Recommend the best approach, tooling and consumption models (on premises / public / SaaS) across the IBM solution portfolio (and leading open toolchain components).



The following qualifications are requirements for success: 

  • Advanced knowledge of DevOps principles, practices, and development approaches
  • Advanced experience of Continuous delivery (integration, delivery, collaboration, innovation) practices.
  • Working knowledge of the IBM DevOps Reference Architecture and associated adoption patterns.
  • Working knowledge of tooling and consumption models (on-premises / public / SaaS) from the IBM DevOps portfolio.
  • Working knowledge of the IBM DevOps solution offerings.


DevOps Principles
• Define DevOps
• Explain and identify delivery pipelines
• Explain Lean Principles
• Explain strategies of DevOps
• ITIL and DevOps

DevOps Practices
• Explain implications of the 12 Factor App design principles for DevOps
• Explain DevOps practices
• Describe Collaborative Development
• Describe Continuous Integration
• Describe Continuous Delivery
• Describe Continuous Deployment
• Describe Continuous Availability / Service Management / Monitoring
• Describe how to measure DevOps
• Describe Continuous Security / Security for DevOps
• Describe DevOps on-premise and on the cloud and explain the differences in how each are handled

Adopting DevOps
• Describe Business and IT drivers of DevOps
• Explain the barriers and roadmaps for DevOps adoption
• Explain how to adopt DevOps in a Multi-speed IT environment
• Illustrate the cultural and organizational differences when transforming from traditional to DevOps processes
• Describe the key architectural decisions made to adopt DevOps

DevOps Architecture & Methods
• Describe the IBM Cloud Garage Method phases
• Describe IBM DevOps Reference Architecture
• Describe IBM Service Management Reference Architecture
• Explain DevOps for Cloud Ready
• Explain DevOps for Microservices
• Explain DevOps for Cloud Native
• Explain DevOps for serverless applications
• Explain Cloud Service Management Operations
• Explain the benefits of IBM Design Thinking for DevOps process adoption

DevOps Toolchain
• Identify tools for Build & Deploy and their uses
• Identify other common tools and their uses
• Describe common container and container orchestration technologies
• Explain the applicability of open standards for DevOps
• Describe the concepts of Software Defined Environments
• Explain the role of service mesh in managing and securing microservices
• Identify the tools used for logging, monitoring, event management, and performance testing

IBM Solutions for DevOps
• Describe the IBM solutions for the Culture, Discover, and Envision phase in DevOps.
• Describe the IBM solutions for the Build and Run phase in DevOps
• Describe the IBM solutions for the Manage and Learn phase in DevOps
• Describe the IBM solutions for Security in DevOps